        16:30 pm 匆忙從台北趕到宜蘭取貨,再趕到內湖Fedex寄件,好讓那批早該在上週五出貨卻被delay的貨件可以在今天中午前送到日本客戶的手上,可以鬆一口氣時已是19:03 pm,回家的路上,照例聽著黎明柔的"人來瘋",昨談的是Don McLean 5/6在台的唯一一場演唱會.
      對Don McLean 我並不熟悉,正在考慮是否要轉台到i-radio時,才從訪台來賓口中聽到Don McLean是如何的在美國樂壇中打造他的不朽傳奇,也才知道雖然我不是Don McLean的fans,卻是他的音樂的愛好者,或許如節目的call-in電話中所說的:當歌曲紅到一種程度時,往往會讓人忘了演唱者.
        "Vincent"   " And I Love You So" " American Pie" " Crying" " Castles In The Air" ......這些膾炙人口,甚至有多位巨星翻唱的歌曲都來自於Don McLean.從1969年出道至今,已累積了40張白金及金唱片. 其中"American Pie" 算是Don McLean作品中最具代表及話題性的,除1971年首次發表後即勇奪四周全美冠軍,2000年Madonna翻唱後亦奪下全英金榜冠軍,重視著作權利的Don McLean還讓這首歌擁有"American Pie" " The Day The Music Died" " Bye Bye Miss American Pie" 等三項英文商標專利,這首長達8分35秒的歌曲,在當年只有45轉的黑膠唱片年代,還需要於播放過程中暫停翻面後才能全部播完,後續還有人研究此曲中歌詞的含意,也算是音樂中的顯學吧."Killing Me Softly With His Blues"更是美國民謠歌手Lori Lieberman在聽完Don Mc Lean的現場演唱後有感而發寫下的歌曲,其後還被改編為暢銷的排行金曲"Killing Me Softly With His Song".
      該專訪的後半段,有接受聽眾call-in,特別的是聽得出來call-in進來的聽眾都有某種程度的年紀了,但他們對於Don McLean要來台演唱的興奮之情並不亞於年輕人,也勾起我去現場感受Don McLean的不朽魅力.
      到家了,節目正播放著"And I Love You So".輕柔的旋律,緩緩訴說著的情感卻是那麼濃厚,我再次感動了.

"And I Love You So" 
by Don McLean

And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I've lived till now
I tell them I don't know

I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand

And yes I know how lonely (loveless)life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get(bring)me down
Now that you're around me

And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I'm happy that you do
The book of life is brief
And once a page is read
All but love is dead
That is my believe

And I love you so
The people ask me how
How I've lived till now
I tell them I don't know

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